Hello, I’m STIJN
one Trick Pony
I make sure TECHNOLOGY works for you
so you can reach your goals easier & faster.
1I do this by
- showing what’s possible with (existing) technology (tools, software, ..)
- help you create (software) solutions
Think in terms of: automation, scaling, … - bring your knowledge (so you proceed can autonomously)
I excell at
- quickly absorbing new information
- combing several information sources to create something out of it
Optimizing Marketing: SEO, SEA, …
Creating Websites (WordPress, … )
Building (marketing) Campaigns
Building WordPress websites
Setting up your Facebook Ad Campaigns
Setting up your Google Ad Campaigns
Focus To Flow
Challenge Convert
Delayed Content Plugin
Expired Domain Finder
Innovation for companies (KaHo Sint Lieven)
Enterprise programmer (bpost)
Trainer (bpost)
Building websites (independend)
Setting up campaigns (independend)
Product Reviews
Creative Copywriting
I do this by …
Connecting The Dots
Active Clients
Written Articles
Cups of Coffee
These 3 Case Studies …
… make it even more clear to discover where we can work together.
CASE STUDY1: Build a matching platform
Fusce in sapien sit amet lectus iaculis porttitor ac at magna. Proin at lectus tincidunt ante dapibus rhoncus. Maecenas eget ornare ipsum. Sed quis consequat lorem.
Keywords: Drupal, Google Ads, Website Development

CASE STUDY2: Scaling knowledge
Fusce in sapien sit amet lectus iaculis porttitor ac at magna. Proin at lectus tincidunt ante dapibus rhoncus. Maecenas eget ornare ipsum. Sed quis consequat lorem consequat lorem.
Keywords: Thrivecart (Payments, Affiliates), Learn Platform (Learn Dash)
CASE STUDY3: Building Software
Fusce in sapien sit amet lectus iaculis porttitor ac at magna. Proin at lectus tincidunt ante dapibus rhoncus. Maecenas eget ornare ipsum. Sed quis consequat lorem. Fusce in sapien sit amet lectus iaculis porttitor.ac at magna.

Software Products …
… make it even more clear to discover where we can work together.
Turn your traffic into loyal customers and return visitors. Don’t miss out!
Testimonials & Featured Clients
Sometimes I write About Writing
Zijn kinesisten gebaat met een aanwezigheid op het Internet?
Welk voordelen halen kinesisten uit het feit dat ze makkelijker via het Internet worden gevonden?
3 ways to boost your business
In this post, I will discuss three ways of boosting your business. The first will show you how to get more eye-balls on your company or brand. The second is about optimizing your time (management). And the third explores the power of (software) automation....